Minutes of the Seventh Annual General Meeting of the Kemp Town Society, held at EF Language School (1-2 Sussex Square) on Saturday 12th May 2018.

Committee Members present:

Simon Smith Chairman

  • Derek DeYoung CAG Representative
  • Adam Liversidge Membership Officer
  • Vanessa Minns WBLIMH Editor
  • Jayne Paulin Secretary
  • Keith Paulin Treasurer
  • Paul Phillips National Heritage Societies Rep
  • Vaughan Rees Deputy Chairman
  • Ann Wroe Newsletter Editor (co-opted)
  • Jill Sewell Communities and Conservation

A full list of attendees appears in the appendix to these minutes.

Agenda item 1 Apologies for absence

Apologies were received from Rupert Bagilhole and Cathy Moss. Proxy forms were received from: Rene Dee, Hilary Skelton and Jeanine Hickman.

Agenda item 2 Minutes of the 7th Annual General Meeting of the Company

The minutes of the previous AGM were received and approved. [Proposed by Roger Amerena. Seconded by David Morris.]

David Morris raised continuing concerns in relation to the state of the Slopes south of Chichester Terrace and the reappearance of graffiti on the nearby Esplanade. The Chairman reported that Brighton and Hove Council had responded to requests to keep the area clean but agreed that the maintenance could be done on a more regular basis.

Agenda item 3 Accounts of the Company for the year ending 31/12/17

The Treasurer gave a short explanation of the 2017 accounts as tabled.

There had been an increase in income due to additional Society social events. Net income for the year was £405 which had been impacted by payment of outstanding accountancy fees of just over £2,000. At the end of 2017 the Society held cash assets of just over £14,000.

The motion to approve the accounts and re-appoint Plummer Parsons as the Society’s accountants was passed unanimously. [Proposed by Roger Amerena. Seconded by Paul Phillips.]

Agenda item 4 Election/Re-election of Trustees/Directors

Adam Liversidge was elected as a Trustee/Director for a three year term. Paul Phillips and Jill Sewell were re-elected as Trustees/Directors for a further three years. Members also re-appointed Derek de Young as CAG Representative for KTS and Jill Sewell as the Society’s Representative on the Commemorative Plaque Panel.

Agenda item 5 Chairman’s Report

The Chairman emphasised the importance of sustaining a constructive relationship with Brighton and Hove Council and other key organisations. In particular, he was pleased to report that Nick Hibberd (Director of Economy, Environment and Culture) attended a recent meeting of the KTS Committee and that a representative of the Brunswick Development Group (Brighton Marina) had agreed to come to the forthcoming meeting at the end of May.

Members continued to express concern at the implications of the proposed conference centre on the Black Rock site. These include the impact on the existing structures within the Conservation Area and increased demand for public transport arrangements to and from the venue.

Agenda item 6 Alex Bruce Legacy

The Chairman confirmed that £20k has been donated to the Society by the late Alex Bruce and invited further suggestions for suitable conservation projects. Members discussed the relative merits of proposals for notice/information boards at key locations, restoration of the Grade II listed Temple or the reinstatement of the bench on the Black Rock Esplanade. The installation of additional Blue Plaques was also mentioned as a possibility.

Agenda item 7 Fundraising events

Vanessa Minns reported that the Quiz Night was held again in December 2017 and is now an established event, while the second dinner/concert took place in March 2018. Following the expansion of these activities, the Committee will be looking for additional venues for future ventures. The Chairman thanked Vanessa for her considerable work in this area.

Ann Wroe reminded the meeting that the annual Garden Party will take place on 30th June. The Society has been able to purchase and install a new shed for storage of related equipment as well as a new food tent. Thanks were extended to Rupert Bagihole and Cathy Moss for their work in securing donations of prizes for last year’s raffle.

Agenda item 8 ‘Who’s Been Living In My House’ project and website

Vanessa Minns reported that the database continues to expand and that further contributions, particularly of house histories, are still invited.

Agenda item 9 Any other business

The Chairman reported that he was compiling a history of KTS and encouraged members to come forward with any recollections or documents, particularly in relation to the origins and early days of the Society.

The meeting endorsed the Chairman’s suggestion to appoint David Morris as the Society’s first Honorary President. David Morris stated that he was honoured to accept the appointment.

In response to a query for an update on communal bins, the Chairman reported that the recent consultation had been broadly in line with the Society’s own proposals and had avoided location of bins outside individual properties.

There being no other formal business the meeting was closed. Members of staff from EF invited feedback from residents on the School’s role in the community, followed by a tour of the building.

Final 23/05/18