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Including development and planning issues, details of the AGM and minutes, plus details of any forthcoming events.
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The Kemp Town Society (KTS) is the charitable society formed to conserve the unique Grade 1 listed Kemp Town Estate on Brighton's eastern seafront. It provides a free information service, accessed through this website.

For members, we provide personalised responses on a variety of subjects. Please confirm you are a member when submitting a specific enquiry relating to the Kemp Town Estate.

If you are not yet a member, we welcome you to join. The minimum annual donation is only £15 per resident household. We encourage members to participate in the Society to strengthen its voice and to take advantage of the multiple talents which are found among the residents themselves.

Please note that the communal gardens in the centre of the estate are managed by Jonathan Rolls
on behalf of the board of Kemp Town Enclosures. Any enquiries about the use of the gardens,
including obtaining replacement keys, should be directed to Jonathan Rolls.

Why Become a Member
Membership of the Society helps ensure you will be first to hear news of developments and proposals affecting the estate and its surroundings. The Society is committed to building strong, positive links with the Council, developers and other heritage organisations to make sure that the collective voice of its members is heard. Annual membership costs from £15 per household.
The Society is dedicated to protecting and promoting Thomas Read Kemp's wonderful and unique seaside estate. The Committee monitors all local planning issues and applications and has a representative on the Council's Conservation Advisory Group which makes planning recommendations to the Council.
The Society holds social and cultural events throughout the year to build a strong and active community. Members have free entry to the annual summer garden party and have first chance to buy tickets to all other events.

Who's Been Living in My House

A record of the history of the residential occupation of the Kemp Town Estate since its inception to 1970.

The Committee

The committee meets regularly in order to supply The Society’s voice on behalf of the membership and to act or react to any issues.
Simon Smith
Simon Smith


    Vaughan Rees OBE
    Vaughan Rees OBE

    Vice Chairman

      Jeremy Browning
      Jeremy Browning

      Treasurer, Webmaster

        Jayne Paulin
        Jayne Paulin


          Ann Wroe
          Ann Wroe

          Newsletter Editor, Garden Party

            Anne Boddington
            Anne Boddington

            Conservation Advisory Group


              Vanessa Minns
              Keith Paulin
              Michael Bedingfield

                Contact Us

                Please contact us using the contact form below.


                  We distribute a printed newsletter to our members 3-4 times a year. Digital copies are archived and available for download here. Download our Winter 2022 newsletter
                  Blue Plaques

                  The Society monitors all blue plaques around the estate and has a dedicated representative.
                  Further information from